I have been told that Ion Idriess wrote about the search for Burke and Wills? Is this correct and if so, could you tell me the name of the volume. I have looked through your bibliography of his books but see no hints there. Maybe is was another author?
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1889 - 1979
Dedicated to the Life and Works of
Ion Llewellyn (Jack) Idriess
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That's fascinating, Deidre, all the best with your research. Of course there were a lot of articles, newspaper reports, police reports, government reports about the expedition which engendered a lot of public excitement at the time and many books written since about Burke and Wills, including one by Peter Fitzsimons in 2017.
Sorry for very late reply, Deidre, I overlooked your post.
But no, Ion Idriess didn't write specifically about the Burke and Wills expedition, but his contemporary, Frank Clune, did in his book Dig: A Drama of Central Australia (1937), published by Angus and Robertson (as were Idriess' books).