Hello, Can someone tell me how to tell a first edition Lasseter's Last ride from the later editions? What were the dates of printing in 1931? There is a signature in my book too and it is dated 21 . 9 . 1931. The signature doesn't look like Idriess though unless he became neater at signing later on? Perhaps he was concerned about having his signature copied? Thank you in advance :)

Title page first ed
Lasseter first ed
Hi Denise, further to Clive's comments:
Clive's photo of the third edition shows the dates for that edition and the two earlier editions: the first edition being 1 September, 1931 and the second being 30 September 1931 (The Bibliography on this site has these dates - and the dates for all the first editions of Idriess' works - which is very useful, because not all first editions say first edition - and indeed not all second and subsequent editions do either! It is interesting that in Feain and Aroney Ion idriess: An Annotated and Illustrated Bibliography, it says the first ed of Lasseter's Last Ride was published September, the second, October, the third, November and also a fourth edition in 1931 in December).
However the good thing about the signature (definitely not that of Idriess - he was a prolific signer and I don't think was worried about his signature being copied!) and the date on the inside cover is that the date confirms a first edition - the second coming out on the 30 September. It also demonstrates that this particular book was bought within 20 days of the first edition coming out - and may have been bought in Brisbane? I will try and send in a photo of my first edition - title page and verso.
As to value: The Bibliography on this site says a first edition without a dust jacket in very good condition is worth between $250 and $500. Mine with a damaged cover, otherwise good, was $90. But a cursory look online has a first ed, no DJ, for $1250 and even a twelth ed for $220 (not to mention a first UK edition, with DJ, 1936, for $600; and a Swedish edition for $200!).
I agree looks nothing like Idriess's signatures I have seen. Just seems a strange thing to do, sign one's own book like that?
That is not Idriess' signature - it is likely the first owners signature.
Hi Denise,
here are pics of a THIRD edition...
A First edition will not say "First Edition" on the title page or on the reverse of the title page.
Hope this helps