This is a new book compiled by Tom Thompson (the TT of ETT!) from Ion Idriess Walkabout Magazine articles (hence the title, I presume - but also pointing to the peripatetic life of Idriess himself) of the 1930's - as well as three Sydney Morning Herald articles and one previously unpublished story - of the same era.

This book is a valuable source of out of publication material (and even a previously unpublished story) from Ion Idriess. I have in my collection a couple of the original Walkabout Magazine articles reproduced here, but by no means all of them, and not the SMH articles. Mr Thompson is making available useful and important material for Idriess buffs - and others - and is to be commended for this. Note should be made that ETT Imprints has, according to the list in the back of Walkabout, some 35 Idriess books in print as of 2024: publications appreciated by many, I'm sure.
So this book is worth adding to any Idriess collection, not only for articles contained therein, but also for the many black-and-white photos, maps, etc).
However, there a a number of things that detract from this volume - it could have been so much better (and in correspondence with Mr Thompson - hopefully will be in future editions).
1. The book is littered with typos - spelling errors, punctuation errors, duplicated words, missing words, etc. Hopefully such things can be corrected (and some may reflect the original articles/ Idriess' writing: for example, p.7, Peek Point, should be Peak Point, and Peninsular should be Peninsula and surely Idriess knew it as Lightning, not Lightening Ridge; Timar, p.66, should be Timor; cocoanuts, p93, is an archaic spelling, even by the 1930's, for coconut).
Perhaps the most glaring of these is a part sentence at the top of p.77 - Luckily the terrible urge that drives these rats ever on caused the plague to [and here the sentence finishes]. These words belong to a later article - probably to 11. Rats or 12. A Series of Plagues (but how is uncertain - there seems to be no concluding words for this sentence in 11. or 12.) and not to the one (9. Romance of the Coral Seas) that they appear in.
2. The photos (31), maps (2) and newspaper article (1) generally lack citation as to their provenance, which is unfortunate, as such information would be valuable (the exception is the photo, p.9 attributed to Ralph Piddington; and the newspaper clipping, p.94 - but attribution to the Idriess Archive, as if this was an existing and accessible collection of Idriess material, rather than to the estate of Idriess, is a little misleading).
Thus you could be forgiven for thinking that the photos illustrating the Walkabout articles were the actual photos accompanying the original articles, but alas this seems to be mainly not the case: only one of the photos from the original Pearls article is reproduced and none from Romance of the Coral Sea. The photo of Maino, for instance (p.75, from 9. Romance) is from Drums of Mer.
The cover photo (colour) also lacks a citation. The maps, pp. 16, 22, likewise lack attribution and the wording on the Arnhem land map (p.22) is rather indistinct. It would have been good, as well, to include an index or list of the illustrations and photos.
3. Some explanatory notes would not have gone astray, or at least an index or glossary. So, for example, the "Wandering Missionary" p.7, is the Rev MacFarlane; Howich Island, p.7, should be Howick, and is the island on which Madman's Island is based; Baobab tree, p.12, is more commonly known as a boab tree in Australia; Larry Wells, p.23, is Australian explorer Lawrence Allen Wells (1860 - 1938); talkies, p.29, are talking picture shows; Peak of Naghir, p.74, refers to heights of Naghir Island (aka, Nagi, Nagir, and Mount Ernest Island); Devil-Bats, p.74, aka Devil fish or (p.75), Sea-bats, seem to be a reference to Manta rays (was Devil-Bats coined by Idriess?); Warrior Island, p.76, is Tudu (or Tutu) Island; and tarn pun, p.92 - is it a sampan or type of sampan?
Despite these errors and detractions, this is still a book worth having - and the more so if at least some of these errors, etc, are rectified.
And, hot off the press, it looks like ETT have produced a little book on Horrie (of Wog-dog fame) - Horrie's Miscellany. Stay tuned!