It's fascinating to hold a hand-written letter by none other than John Flynn. Take out a $20 note (if you still carry cash today!) and there he is, pictured with an early RFDS (as it later became) plane - probably a D.H 50 (De Haviland 50) operated on loan from Q.A.N.T.A.S. It is interesting that the plane is VH-URE on the $20 note, whereas Wikipedia - Royal Flying Doctor Service, History, says the first plane was VH-UER. Did Wikipedia or our note designer get it wrong - or was the plane on the $20 note a later plane? To complicate matters, the NAA (National Archives Australia), holds a letter, dated 16th May 1928 from QANTAS, stating that a De Haviland 50A was on loan and it was G-AUER (and the accompanying text states this plane was for the "expected first trip of the RFDS." In any case - John Flynn was the founder of what became The Royal Flying Doctor (as well as the Australian Inland Mission).
The other thing featured on the $20 note is a child at a pedal radio, which was developed by Traeger along with Flynn, and instrumental, along with the RFDS, in saving many lives - as well as - perhaps as depicted on the $20 note - a key tool for remote education in the early days.
And of course John Flynn is the same John Flynn as featured in Idriess' seminal work, Flynn of the Inland, first published 10th March, 1932 and innumerable times since, though there are probably better biographies of Flynn around today.
This letter was written on 23rd March, 1936 - just over four years after Idriess' book about Flynn was first issued - and was addressed to "Dear Ion Idriess." It is introducing two A.I.M. associates to Idriess, but we are not sure how Idriess is expected to help them: perhaps it is enough that Idriess is introduced to them and so knows them or knows about them and is able to meet them. The letter says:
This is to introduce:
Mr John Auld and
Miss Morgan Shaw, friends of mine [this latter phrase in different ink, added later to give them extra status as Flynn's friends!]
who have been interested in the A.I.M. for many years. - and in you yourself for several years.
Mr Auld is an ex-member of the A.I.M. Board, who rendered us great service before his translation to Nowra.
I hope you will be available in the near future, so that their eagerness will not be overstrained.
Thanking you in anticipation,
Yours sincerely,
[Signed] J Flynn
Not sure who the John Auld and Morgan Shaw are. Perhaps someone has further information about them.
This letter was one of several I acquired at an SRB Auction in 2022 of Ion Idriess' estate (the Charles Barrett letter - this Forum May 7 and May Tilton letter May 8 were also from this auction).
Correction: Addressed to Dear Mr Idriess, NOT Dear Ion Idress.